To make your own activity jars you will need popsicle sticks (we bought pre colored ones at Michael's to identify each activity type) a permanent marker and a container to put them in! All in all this cost under $5 and about 10 min.
OUTSIDE: (green)
- Collect bugs
- Games: red light green light, tag, ball.
- Water playtime: Build a water wall, water table, spray bottles.
- Plant a garden
- Splat paint
- Sensory table
- Sidewalk chalk (make your own sidewalk paint with cornstarch, food coloring and water!)
- Bubbles (make your own bubble wands with wire hangers)
- Have a picnic
- Scavenger hunt (use an egg crate and paint the bottom of each a different color, have the kids find that color!)
- Paper seed starters
- Make bird feeders
- Play hopscotch
- Bingo dot pen art
- Paint rocks
- Salt dough ornaments/shapes
- Build a vehicle out of a box
- Finger paint (try making your own paint)
- Foam crafts
- Letter collage (pick a letter and have them help you pick pictures out of magazines to glue on)
- Bake cookies
- Make a nature collage
- Make your own crayons, or just color
- Make a messy masterpiece.
- Color matching games (make your own with clothes pins)
- Make play stilts
- Tin can telephones
- I Spy games (make I spy bags/bottles!)
- Magnetic pom poms (glue a magnet on craft pom poms, and use a cookie sheet to make shapes)
- Sorting games (use craft pom poms, tongs and an ice cube tray)
- Lacing cards or buttons on pipe cleaners
- Play bus driver
- Build a fort
- Dance party & make music shakers
- Play pretend kitchen
- Make an obstacle course
- Make a marble race track (water float tube cut in half and marbles!)
- Binoculars: stuffed animal or bird watching
- Funny faces contest
- Treasure hunt
- Shoe box train for stuffed animals
- masking tape shapes, letters, #'s or car track!
- Library
- Farmers market
- Children's museum
- Swimming
- Park
- Pet store
- Story time at the book store
- Ride the bus
- Bouncy place
- Zoo or aquarium